Interested in joining our team?
We’re looking for employees at every level. From driving to managing, name your position and we’re likely to have one for you.
- 我们的 司机 come from all walks of life: retired firefighters, 警察, 退伍军人, 老师, businessmen/women have all worked here. 他们的共同点? 他们喜欢开车.
- 我们的 经理 enjoy the challenge of the job, 支持性氛围, and the ability to balance work with family life.
Bottom line: you take care of our customers, and 我们会照顾你的 with a secure work environment, great benefits, and competitive compensation.
Want to know what kind of people you’ll be working with? 看看这个:
Are you a whiz at solving puzzles? 好口语? 面向服务的? Find out how FreedomCar can shine a little light on those skills.
了解更多并申请Are you a whiz at solving puzzles? 好口语? 面向服务的? Find out how FreedomCar can shine a little light on those skills — in a part-time or full time capacity.
了解更多并申请Get behind the wheel of our automobiles! Whether it’s part-time or full time, now is the time to find out if FreedomCar is the right fit for you.
了解更多并申请If you think you have what it takes to be as reliable to us as our service is to our customers, we encourage you to submit an application form.
Your submission will go to 马克Thistel, co-owner of FreedomCar, who will read it and personally respond to you.
没有简历? 没有问题. Tell us a little bit about yourself and we’ll be in touch.
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